React Native

These are blog posts about react-native(RN) which we use to make applications. We share how to use react-native and libraries.

Deploy automatically applications via Fastlane

Let's see how to deploy automatically React Native application via Fastlane
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Show Map on React Native

Let's see how to use react-native-maps to display a map on React Native
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Geolocation in React Native

Let's see how to get user current geolocation to use react-native-geolocation-service library in React Native.
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App icon & Splash image in React Native

Let's see how to make App icon and Splash image via react-native-make library in React Native.
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Local Push Notification

let's see how to implement Local Push Notification by using react-native-push-notification.
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Open the app with the specific file

this blog post is about how to open RN(React Native) app with the specific file(like excel, powerpoint, etc).
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Make Import path based on Root in RN(React Native)

let's make Import path based on Root in RN(React Native)
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Apply custom font to RN(React Native)

let's see how to apply custom font to RN(React Native) and how to use custom font.
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How to use sqlite in RN(React Native)

let's see how to use sqlite database in RN(React Native).
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RN(React Native) Support Tablets

let's see how to make RN(React Native) project support tablets
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Control StatusBar

let's see how to control the StatusBar in RN(React Native)
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iTunes file sharing feature

let's see how to share files via iTunes on RN(React Native) project.
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