React Router in create-react-app

2025-01-11 hit count image

Let's see how to use react-router in the React project with create-react-app.


React is an UI JavaScript library for the Single page application that focuses to create the UI(User Interface). So, React doesn’t provide the features not related to the UI. So, we need to use another library to implement the page navigation feature in React. In this blog post, I will show you how to use react-router in the React project for the page navigation system.

If you want to know what React is, see the link below.

You can see full source code of this post on the link below.

Prepare project

To implement the page navigation feature by react-router, we’ll create a new React project. In this blog post, I’ll use the create-react-app and TypeScript to create the project.

To create the React project based on TypeScript, execute the command below.

npx create-react-app react_router_example --template=typescript

Install react-router

To use react-router in React, we need to install the react-router package. Execute the command below to install react-router.

npm install --save react-router-dom
npm install --save-dev @types/react-router-dom

How to use react-router

Next, let’s see how to use react-router to add the page navigation feature to the React project.


To use react-router in the React project, we need to use Router component, first. Open ./src/index.tsx file and modify it like the below.

import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';

      <App />

When you use the react-router feature in React, you should use the Router component. If you use the react-router feature out side of the Route component, an error occurs.


To implement the page navigation feature by react-router, we need to define pages with the Switch and Route components. Open ./src/App.tsx file and modify it like the below to check how to use the Switch and Route components.

import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Home } from './Pages/Home';
import { Detail } from './Pages/Detail';

function App() {
  return (
      <header>This is header</header>
        <Route exact path="/">
          <Home />
        <Route path="/detail/:id">
          <Detail />

we import Switch and Route components from react-router-dom. Also, we import two page components that are not created yet.

import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Home } from './Pages/Home';
import { Detail } from './Pages/Detail';

And then, we use Switch and Route components like the below.

  <header>This is header</header>
    <Route exact path="/">
      <Home />
    <Route path="/detail/:id">
      <Detail />

Basically, we should use Route component in Switch component. And we should use path props to define the target page URL. Lastly, we should add the child component for the page when the URL is changed.

As we write the code above, we can show the page that matches the URL, If the page URL has dynamic data parameter, you can define it like /detail/:id.

  <header>This is header</header>

The part under the Switch component is the part that is changed by URL. So, the <header/> component out side of the Switch component is always shown regardless of the URL.

Next, let’s create the Home page component to see how to use Link in react-router. Open the ./src/Pages/Home/index.tsx file and modify it like the below.

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

export const Home = () => {
  return (
        <Link to="/detail/1">Detail 1</Link>
        <Link to="/detail/2">Detail 2</Link>

You should use the <link/> component instead of <a/> tag for the link for the page navigation in react-router. This Link component ahs the to Props, and you should add the target URL to this Props.

useHistory and useParams

Next, let’s see how to use useHistory and useParams by creating the Detail page component. Open the ./src/Pages/Detail/index.tsx file and modify it like the below.

import { useHistory, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

export const Detail = () => {
  const { goBack } = useHistory();
  const params: { id: string } = useParams();

  return (
      <div>Detail {}</div>
      <button onClick={goBack}>GoBack</button>

When you use the useHistory hook of react-router, you can move the page by programming. The useHistory hook provides replace, push and goBack functions.

  • replace: replace the current page to the passed URL. We can go back the page with the browser back button.
  • push: move the page to the passed URL. We can go back the page with the browser back button.
  • goBack: this is a same feature of the browser back button.

We can use the useParams hook of react-router to get the URL parameter. We’ve bound the Detail page component to the URL like the below.

<Route path="/detail/:id">
  <Detail />

And, we’ve assigned data to the URL parameter like the below in the Home page component.

  <Link to="/detail/1">Detail 1</Link>
  <Link to="/detail/2">Detail 2</Link>

At this time, the 1, 2 are assigned to :id parameter. When you use useParams, you can get teh value assigned :id like the below.

const params: { id: string } = useParams();
<div>Detail {}</div>


Done! we’ve seen how to use react-router to change the pages in React. react-router has many features besides the features introduced in this blog. If you want to know more features, please check them on the official site.

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