
This is a journal about creating applications with Flutter. I'll share about how to use Dart and how to make the app with Flutter.

[Flutter] How to use device_info_plus to get device info

Let's see how to use device_info_plus to get device such as device name, device model name, device system name, etc in Flutter
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[Flutter] How ot use package_info_plus to get package information

Let's see how to use package_info_plus to get the app name, package name, or version info in Flutter
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[Flutter] Using url_launcher to open phone default browser on iOS

Let's see how to use url_launcher to open the web link on the default browser, that is outside the app, instead of the browser in the app on Flutter.
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[Flutter] Open web browser by url_launcher

Let's see how to open the web browser or open the app to send an email or call by url_launcher in Flutter.
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[GetX] Platform and device info

Let's see how to get the platform or devicec info with GetX in Flutter.
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[GetX] Snackbar

Let's see how to show Snackbar with GetX in Flutter.
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[GetX] Dialog

Let's see how to show Dialog with GetX in Flutter.
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[GetX] BottomSheet

Let's see how to use BottomSheet with GetX in Flutter.
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[GetX] Theme

Let's see how to use Theme with GetX in Flutter.
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[GetX] Localization

Let's see how to support multiple languages for the localization by GetX in Flutter.
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[GetX] Dependency Management

Let's see how to manage Denpendency by GetX in Flutter.
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[GetX] Route management

Let's see how to manage the Route by GetX in Flutter .
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