Development Environment on Mac(1) - iTerm & zsh

2023-03-18 hit count image

I try to set the development environment on new Mac. in here, I'll introduce how to configure iTerm and zsh for Terminal on new Mac.


I try to write how to configure the development environment from very first time on Mac. this blog is a series. if you want to know other development environment, see other blog posts.

in here, I’ll introduce how to configure iTerm and zsh on Mac.

iTerm Installation

click the link below to go to iTerm download page.

you can see the screen like below, click Stable Releases to download.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm download

unzip zip file you downloaded and install it.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm full disk access permission

if iTerm asks you Full Disk Access permission, click Open System Preferences on the right bottom.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm full disk access permission setting

you can see the nice explanation and Security & Privacy is activated. click the lock shape on the left bottom, and insert your password to make editable.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm full disk access permission setting screen

select Privacy on the top tab, and click Full Disk Accesss on the left list.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm full disk access permission setting iTerm select

click + button on the right side. go to Applications, and select iTerm and click Open.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm quit

if Mac asks you that you want to quit iTerm, click Quit Now to quit iTerm.

after it, check iTerm is executed.


zsh makes Terminal easier to use. if you want to know more details, click the link below.

  • zsh official site: zsh

you can find the installation on zsh official site like below.

Development Environment on Mac - zsh installation

open iTerm or Terminal and execute the command below.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

after installing, you can see the screen like below.

Development Environment on Mac - zsh install completed

Configure zsh to iTerm Default Terminal

iTerm’s default is to use the basic shell. let’s set iTerm uses basically zsh.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm zsh configuration

execute iTerm and click iTerms2 > Preferences... on the left top.

Development Environment on Mac - iTerm zsh default setting

you can see the screen like above. click Profiles tab on the top. insert /bin/zsh in Command on Command section on the right middle.

after it, restart iTerm. you can see zsh is executed by default.

Configure iTerm Theme.

there are many themes for iTerm. you can configure the theme what you want. in here, I’ll introduce how to set iterm2-solarized theme.

click the link below to download the theme.

when you click the link above, you can see the theme file contents. push command + s to save it.

Development Environment on Mac - zsh theme setting

before you download it, change to All Files on Format on the bottom. and check the end of the file is .itermcolors.

open Preferences of iTerm again.

Development Environment on Mac - zsh theme setting on iterm

click Profiles > Colors like above, and click Color Preset... > import... on the right bottom.

select Solarized Dark - Patched.itermcolors file you downloaded above.

Development Environment on Mac - zsh theme Solarized Dark setting on iterm

select Color Preset... again, you can see Solarized Dark. click it to change the theme.

Configure Powerlevel9k

to show more information on zsh, let’s configure Powerlevel9k. you can see the screen like below, when you execute current iTerm.

Development Environment on Mac - iterm

execute the command below to download Powerlevel9k.

git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel9k

zsh’s configuration file is ~/.zshrc. open it and set Powerlevel9k.

vi ~/.zshrc

find the theme configuration.

# Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will
# load a random theme each time oh-my-zsh is loaded, in which case,
# to know which specific one was loaded, run: echo $RANDOM_THEME
# See

change the theme from ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell" to ZSH_THEME="powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k" and save it.

to restart iTerm, you can see the screen like below.

Development Environment on Mac - iterm powerlevel9k

you can see user information and ?. the question mark is shown up when the font is not set. click the link below to go to the font download site.

when you click the link above, you can see the screen lik below. click View Raw to download the font.

Development Environment on Mac - iterm donwload font

after downloading it, click the font file to execute it.

Development Environment on Mac - iterm font installation

click Install Font on the right bottom to install it. after installing, open Preference on iTerm again and click Profiles > Text > Change Font.

Development Environment on Mac - iterm font installation

select Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline what we downloaded above.

Development Environment on Mac - iterm font installation check

when you execute iTerm, you can see the screen like above.

I don’t like to show my long username, so I configured it not showing up. execute the command below if you want to hide it.

vi ~/.zshrc

add the content below to the bottom.

prompt_context() {}

or you can customize it like below.


you can see the details about the option on the official site.

restart iTerm. you can see the user name not displayed.

Development Environment on Mac - iterm hide user name

Connect vscode and zsh

in here, we’ll set code command of vscode on zsh, and zsh to vscode’s default terminal on vscode.

Configure vscode command to zsh

execute the command below to open zsh configuration file.

vi ~/.zshrc

add the content below to the bottom of the settings file.

export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio"

restart iTerm and execute the command below to check vscode activated.

code .

Configure zsh to vscode

click Code > Preferences > Settings on the left top of the vscode.

Development Environment on Mac - vscode zsh configuration

search shell and change /bin/bash to /bin/zsh on Terminal > Integrated > Shell: Osx.

Development Environment on Mac - vscode zsh shell configuration

if you see Edit in settings.json instead of the screen above, click the link and add the content below.

  "": "/bin/zsh",

also, search fontfamily and set Meslo LG M for Powerline on it like below.

Development Environment on Mac - vscode zsh font 설정

after it, to execute Terminal on vscode, you can see zsh executed.

Development Environment on Mac - vscode zsh configuration completed

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