dev environment

we'll introduce how to configure development environment for backend, server. in here we'll talk about docker, vagrant, ansible to set laravel, python development environment.

[Project Management] Repository Strategy

Let's see the repository strategies like Monolith, Multi Repo, and Monorepo for managing projects.
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Manage Python version by pyenv

Let's see how to use pyenv to use various Python versions on the same machine.
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(macOS) Manage Node versions via NVM

Let's see how to install NVM(Node Version Manager) on macOS and how to manage Node versions.
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Configure automatically development environment on Mac via Homebrew and Shell Script

Let's see how to configure automatically development environment on Mac via Homebrew and Shell Script. and then Let's see how to use Brewfile and Shell script on new Mac for configuring the development environment.
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Development Environment on Mac(3) - for development

I'm setting the development environment on new Mac. in here, I'll introduce how to configure the development environment what I use.
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Development Environment on Mac(2) - for tools

now I'm configuring the development environment on new Mac. in here, I'll introduce the tools that I use when I develop.
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Development Environment on Mac(1) - iTerm & zsh

I try to set the development environment on new Mac. in here, I'll introduce how to configure iTerm and zsh for Terminal on new Mac.
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let's see how to access virtual machine(Guest System) from external environment by ngrok.
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let's make development environment by installing Laravel on virtual machine(guest system) that is configured by Ansible and Laradock.
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let's make Laravel development environment by using virtual machine(guest system) created by vagrant and Ansible.
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let's install Docker and Docker Compose on vagrant virtual machine(guest system) by Ansible Playbook.
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Ansible Playbook

let's try to use Ansible Playbook to install server programs and to configure the server.
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