[Next.js] Localization

2025-01-11 hit count image

Let's see how to use next-translate for the localization on the Next.js project based on TypeScript.


In this blog post, I will introduce how to support the localization on the Next.js project based on TypeScript using next-translate.

You can see the full source code of this blog post on the following link.

Blog list

This blog post is a series. If you want to check other blog posts of the series, see the links below.

Create Next.js project with TypeScript

To see how to use next-translate on the Next.js project based on TypeScript, execute the following command to create a Next.js project based on TypeScript.

npx create-next-app --typescript my-app

Install next-translate

To provide the localization by next-translate on the Next.js project, we need to install next-translate. Execute the following command to install next-translate.

npm install --save next-translate

Configure next-translate

To use next-translate, we need to configure it. First, open the ./next.config.js file and modify it like the below.

const nextTranslate = require('next-translate');

module.exports = nextTranslate();

And then, create the ./i18n.json file and modify it like the below.

  "locales": ["ja", "en", "ko"],
  "defaultLocale": "en",
  "localeDetection": false,
  "pages": {
    "*": ["common"]

In this blog post, I will provide ja(Japanese), en(English) and ko(Korean) as the supported languages. And, the default language is en.

  "locales": ["ja", "en", "ko"],
  "defaultLocale": "en",

To prevent Next.js detect the browser language to decide the language, I set false to localeDetection.

  "localeDetection": false,

We can make a language set for all pages and for specific pages separately with next-translate.

  "pages": {
    "*": ["common"]

In this blog post, I will make a language set named common for all pages(*).

Language files

Next, let’s create language files for the localization. Create ./locales/en/common.json file and modify it like the below.

  "Japanese": "Japanese",
  "English": "English",
  "Korean": "Korean"

And, create the ./locales/ja/common.json file and modify it like the below.

  "Japanese": "日本語",
  "English": "英語",
  "Korean": "韓国語"

Lastly, create the ./locales/ko/common.json file and modify it like the below.

  "Japanese": "일본어",
  "English": "영어",
  "Korean": "한국어"

Support localization in Next.js

Let’s see how to use next-translate on the Next.js project to support the localization. Open the ./pages/index.tsx file and modify it like the below.

import useTranslation from 'next-translate/useTranslation';

const Home: NextPage = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();

  return (
    <div className={styles.container}>
      <main className={styles.main}>

We can provide the localization by the t function in the useTranslation hook of the next-translate package.


When you use the t function, you can specify the word(Japanese) in the specific language file(common).

Check localization

To check next-translate works well on the Next.js, execute the following command to start the Next.js project.

npm run dev

After starting, you can open the http://localhost:3000 URL in the browser and you can see the en language is displayed well.

next-translate supports English

To check the other languages, when you open the http://localhost:3000/ja URL in the browser, you can see the ja language is displayed well.

next-translate supports Japanese

Also, when you open the http://localhost:3000/ko URL in the browser, you can see the ko language is displayed well.

next-translate supports Korean


Let’s see how to test the Next.js project with next-translate. If you want to know how to configure the test environment, see the previous blog post.

The code on the previous blog post is like the below.

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import Home from '../../pages/index';

describe('Home', () => {
  it('renders a heading', () => {
    const { container } = render(<Home />);

    const heading = screen.getByRole('heading', {
      name: /welcome to next\.js!/i,



You can execute the code by the following command.

npm run test

After testing, you can see the snapshot test result on the ./test/index/__snapshots__/index.test.tsx.snap file. When you open the file, you can see the language is not displayed well like the below.


To change the language to the specific language, you need to use I18nProvider and the specific language file.

import commonEN from '../../locales/en/common.json';
import I18nProvider from 'next-translate/I18nProvider';

describe('Home', () => {
  it('renders a heading', () => {
    const { container } = render(
      <I18nProvider lang="en" namespaces={{ common: commonEN }}>
        <Home />

After updating the snapshot test and opening the snapshot result file(./test/index/__snapshots__/index.test.tsx.snap) again, you can see the language is displayed well like the below.



Done! we’ve seen how to use next-translate for the localization in the Next.js project based on the TypeScript. Also, we’ve seen how to make a test code for next-translate in the Next.js project by Jest.

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