[React] husky, lint-staged

2025-01-11 hit count image

Let's see how to use husky and lint-staged to execute ESLint and Prettier automatically when you commit the code to Git.

Blog series

This blog post is a series. You can see the other posts on the link below.


On the previous blog posts, we’ve seen how to configure Prettier and ESLint, and how to use them on the React project with create-react-app.

In this blog post, I will show you how to use husky and lint-staged to use Prettier and ESLint.

Prepare project

To use husky and lint-staged on React, we’ll create the simple project with create-react-app. If you want to know more details about create-react-app, see the link below.

Execute the command below to create a new React project that we’ll use for husky and lint-staged.

npx create-react-app husky_lint_example --template=typescript

I use TypeScript to develop React, so I use the --template=typescript option to create the React project. And then, you should configure Prettier and ESLint to this React project. If you don’t know how to configure Prettier and ESLint, see the links below.


Git has the Hook feature. You can configure the Hook to the event, and execute the script by Hook when Git gets specific events(like commit, push, etc).

husky helps you use Git Hook simply.

Execute the command below to install husky.

npm install --save-dev husky


lint-staged, is normally used with husky, helps you execute specific commands to Staged files on Git.

Staged files on Git means the files are modified and added by you execute the git add command. If you modify Staged files, you should execute git add again to add them.

lint-staged helps you not execute the gid add command when you modify Staged files.

Execute the command below to install lint-staged to use it with husky.

npm install --save-dev lint-staged

And then, execute the command below to initialize husky.

npx husky init

configure husky and lint-staged

Next, let’s configure husky and lint-staged to execute the ESLint and Prettier when you commit to Git.

Open the package.json file and modify it like the below to configure husky and lint-staged.

  "scripts": {
  "lint-staged": {
    "src/**/*.{ts,tsx}": [
      "eslint --ext .tsx --ext .ts ./src --fix"
    "./src/**": [
      "prettier --write ."

Now, open the .husky/pre-commit file and modify it like the below.

# Run lint-staged
npx lint-staged

After modifying, when you commit to Git, lit staged is executed by pre-commit of husky, and ESLint and Prettier are executed by lint-staged.


Done! we’ve seen how to configure husky and lint-staged to execute ESLint and Prettier on the React project. Please use husky and lint-staged to execute automatically ESLint and Prettier!

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