Firebase Crashlytics

2025-01-11 hit count image

let's see how to use react-native-firebase to gather crash logs on Firebase Crashlytics.


we’ve introduced how to analyze App crash Log from App review rejection at previous blog(iOS App crash analysis). however, if App is in user environment not review status and crashed, we can’t know App is crashed. so we’ll explain how to gather and analyze App crash on Firebase Crashlytics. in this blog, we will use react-native-firebase library. if you didn’t set react-native-firebase, see our previous blog about how to install and set the library.

configure iOS

let’s see how to configure react-native-firebase on iOS to use Firebase Crashlytics.

Firebase Settings

click the link below to open Firebase Console and select the project.

select Crashlytics on the left menu.

Firebase Console Crashlytics menu

when you see the screen like above, select Set up Crashlytics.

Firebase Console Crashlytics step 1

select No, this app does not have any version of the Crashlytics SDK installed and Next on the screen like above.

Firebase Console Crashlytics step 2

select Go to Crashlytics docs on the screen like above. and then, a new tab is opened with Crashlytics installation. close the tab. you can see the screen below on Firebase Console.

Firebase Console Crashlytics step 3

do the configuration below in this state. if you did the app setting first, do the configuration above and execute the app that is configured Crashlytics. after it, you can see the dashboard like below.

Firebase Console Crashlytics dashboard

set and install required libraries

add required libraries to Podfile like below.

pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/AdMob'
pod 'Fabric'
pod 'Crashlytics'

use below pod command to install added libraries.

# cd ios
pod install
# pod update

add Crashlytics executing script

we need to add Crashlytics executing script to use Firebase Crashlytics.

execute Xcode to select ios/[AppName].xcworkspace on RN(react native) project folder.

execute xcode

select own your project on left file explorer and TARGETS. adn select Build Phases on the top menu.

xcode build phases

click + button on Build Phases tab and select New Run Script Phase.

new run script menu on build phases

insert below command to # Type a script... under Shell on Run Script;

add Run Script


insert below code to where you want to test Firebase Crashlytics.


this code forcibly makes App crash. if App is crashed and exited, execute App again to report to Firebase Crashlytics.

execute below command or xcode to start the simulator.

react-native run-ios

if you use xcode to start the simulator, you should close xcode and execute App again. if xcode is executed and App is crashed, xcode treats the crash, not to report to Crashlytics.

after crashing, execute App again. after a while, you can see crash report at Firebase Console Crashlytics like below.

Firebase Console Crashlytics

warning: remove test code (firebase.crashlytics().crash();) after test.

configure Android

configure react-native-firebase on Android to use Firebase Crashlytics.

Firebase Settings

click the link below to open Firebase Console and select the project.

select Crashlytics on the left menu.

Firebase Console Crashlytics menu

when you see the screen like above, select Set up Crashlytics.

Firebase Console Crashlytics step 1

select No, this app does not have any version of the Crashlytics SDK installed and Next on the screen like above.

Firebase Console Crashlytics step 2

select Go to Crashlytics docs on the screen like above. and then, a new tab is opened with Crashlytics installation. close the tab. you can see the screen below on Firebase Console.

Firebase Console Crashlytics step 3

do the configuration below in this state. if you did the app setting first, do the configuration above and execute the app that is configured Crashlytics. after it, you can see the dashboard like below.

Firebase Console Crashlytics dashboard

set and install required libraries

modify android/app/build.gradle file like below.

apply plugin: ""
apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
dependencies {
  implementation('') {
    transitive = true

modify android/build.gradle file like below.

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath ''
    classpath ''
  repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

modify android/app/src/main/java/com/[app name]/ file like below.

import io.invertase.firebase.RNFirebasePackage;
import io.invertase.firebase.fabric.crashlytics.RNFirebaseCrashlyticsPackage;
    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
          new RNFirebasePackage(),
          new RNFirebaseCrashlyticsPackage(),


add below code to where you want to test Firebase Crashlytics.


when we started Android emulator and execute react-native run-android to make App crash, red error screen was appeared so App crash was not reported. so we tested to install built file on the emulator. if you don’t know how to build and test on Android, see our previous blog - Android build and test.

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/

build javascript by above command, and execute below command to install on the emulator.

react-native run-android --variant=release

and then test, we can see App crash report like below.

Firebase Console Crashlytics android

warning: remove test code (firebase.crashlytics().crash();) after test.


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