[GitHub Actions] How to check PR title with GitHub Actions in monorepo environment

2025-01-11 hit count image

In a monorepo environment, let's see how to check the title of a PR (Pull Request) using GitHub Actions.


I am automating GitHub’s Release Note using Release Drafter.

This Release Drafter is based on the Label of GitHub’s PR. Release Drafter provides a feature to automatically create Labels, and it uses the title of the PR. So, the PR title is important.

Previously, when checking the title of a PR, I used Conventional PR Title Action.

However, in the current monorepo project, the Conventional PR Title Action was not enough, so I ended up using other GitHub Actions.

In this blog post, I will introduce how to check the title of a PR when creating a PR using action-check-pr-title.


action-check-pr-title is a GitHub Actions that checks the title of a PR using regular expressions.

Create GitHub Actions

To create GitHub Actions that check the title of a PR using action-check-pr-title, create a .github/workflows/check_pr_title.yml file and modify it as follows.

name: Check PR Title

      - opened
      - reopened
      - edited
      - synchronize

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 1
      - name: Checkout Repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Check PR Title
        uses: Slashgear/[email protected]
          regexp: '(feat|fix|chore|docs|style|refactor|test|build|ci)\((SERVICE1|SERVICE2|template|components|config|common)\): .+'
          helpMessage: "Example: 'feat(SERVICE1): example of title'"

Let’s take a closer look at the part that checks the title of the PR.

      - name: Check PR Title
        uses: Slashgear/[email protected]
          regexp: '(feat|fix|chore|docs|style|refactor|test|build|ci)\((SERVICE1|SERVICE2|template|components|config|common)\): .+'
          helpMessage: "Example: 'feat(SERVICE1): example of title'"

Here, we use the regexp option provided by action-check-pr-title to check the title of the PR. The regular expression used here allows the following PR titles.

feat(SERVICE1): Add new feature
fix(SERVICE2): Fix bug
refactor(common): Refactor code

I developed a monorepo project, so I set the service name in the Scope area of Conventional Commits and set it to check.


Done! We’ve seen how to check the title of a PR using action-check-pr-title when creating a PR. Previously, I used Conventional PR Title Action and it also supports regular expression checks, but the settings are not easy, so I decided to use action-check-pr-title.

So, if you want to check the PR title with regular expressions simply, try using action-check-pr-title.

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