[Flutter] GitHub Dependabot

2025-01-11 hit count image

Let's see how to use GitHub Dependabot to check the versions of the packages used in the Flutter project, and if there is a new version, create a Pull request automatically.


GitHub provides the Dependabot feature. When you use it on GitHub, you can check periodically the versions of the packages, and libraries in the project, and create the Pull request automatically if there is a new version.

Recently, GitHub Dependabot supports the pub package manager for Flutter/Dart.

In this blog post, I will introduce how to use GitHub Dependabot to check the versions of the packages in Flutter, and update it automatically.

Configure Flutter Dependabot

To use GitHub Dependabot, you need to create the .github folder in the root directory of the project, and then, create the dependabot.yml file.

If you create the .github/dependabot.yml file, open the file and modify it like the below.

version: 2
enable-beta-ecosystems: true
  - package-ecosystem: "pub"
    directory: "/"
      interval: weekly
      time: "09:00"
      timezone: Asia/Tokyo
    open-pull-requests-limit: 5

The supporting the pub package manger is beta, so we need to configure enable-beta-ecosystems: true.

If you use a lot of packages in your Flutter project, too many Pull requests may be created, which can interfere with your work. So, you can configure the open-pull-requests-limit: 5 option to limit the number of Pull requests, and configure the schedule option to execute Dependabot at specific intervals.

Configure Android Dependabot

Android manages the versions of the libraries by Gradle. So, you can add the Gradle Dependabot to manage the libraries of Android. Open the .github/dependabot.yml file and modify it like the following to add Gradle Dependabot.

version: 2
enable-beta-ecosystems: true
  - package-ecosystem: "gradle"
    directory: "/android"
      interval: weekly
      time: "09:00"
      timezone: Asia/Tokyo

Configure iOS Dependabot

iOS manages the versions of the libraries by CocoaPods. However, unfortunately Dependabot does not provide iOS Dependabot. You can check the languages that Dependabot supports on the official document.


After configuring the .github/dependabot.yml file, upload it to GitHub.(merge it to main branch.) Then, you can see the Pull request is created automatically when the version of the package is updated at specific intervals like the below.

Flutter - Dependabot pull request

When you open the Pull request, you can see the Release notes and Commits of the updating.

Flutter - Dependabot details: release notes and commits

When you open each sections, you can see the details about them.

  • Release notes
Flutter - Dependabot release notes detail
  • commits
Flutter - Dependabot commits detail

This allows you to check the changes in the new version and to see the scope of impact on your project.

When you open the File changed tab, you can see the pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock files are changed.

Flutter - Dependabot file changed detail

GitHub Actions

Now, you can get an auto-generated Pull request from GitHub Dependabot when there is a new version of the package. When you get the Pull request, you’re debating whether or not to merge it. At this time, if you configured GitHub Actions to execute the Linter and test code of Flutter, you can easily check whether the Pull request is OK or not.

Also, you can write the following contents to the .github/dependabot.yml file to check the versions of Actions in GitHub Actions by `Dependabot.

version: 2
enable-beta-ecosystems: true
  - package-ecosystem: github-actions
    directory: "/"
      interval: weekly
      time: "09:00"
      timezone: Asia/Tokyo


Done! we’ve seen how to use GitHub Dependabot to check the versions of the packages in the Flutter project, and update it automatically. From now, please use Dependabot to keep the versions of the packages in the Flutter project up to date.

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