in this blog post, I will introduce how to use firebase_core
to connect Firebase
in Flutter.
Blog series
This blog post is a series. You can see the other posts on the link below.
- [Flutter] Firebase Core
- [Flutter] Firebase Analytics
- [Flutter] Firebase Crashlytics
Create Firebase Project
Next, we need to create a Google Firebase project. Click the link below to go to Google Firebase.
- Google Firebase:
button on the right top.
After login, click GO TO CONSOLE
to go to Google Firebase Console.
Click + Add project
button to create a new project on Google Firebase Console.
On the screen above, insert a project name that you want to use to Enter your project name
. After inserting, click Continue
button on the bottom to go to the next step.
After inserting the project name, you can see the screen that asks you want to integrate Google Analytics
. If you don’t want to integrate, click the switch to make Disable
and create Firebase project.
If you want to integrate Google Analytics, click Continue
Select Google Analytics account, and click Create project
button to create Firebase project.
iOS configuration
Let’s see how to configure firebase_core
on iOS to use Firebase in Flutter.
Change bundle identifier
Before creating iOS project in Firebase, we need to change Bundle identifier
on iOS. Execute ios/Runner.xcworkspace
file to open Xcode.
Select the project name on left top and go to the General
, you can find Bundle Identifier
on it. Change the Bundle ID for your project.
Configure Firebase iOS project
When you select the project on Google Firebase Console, you can see the screen like below.
Click iOS
button on the center of the screen to go iOS configuration.
Insert iOS Bundle ID, and click Register app
Download GoogleService-Info.plist
file created by Google Firebase, and drag it to the Runner/Runner
folder to copy it on Xcode. After adding GoogleService-Info.plist
file, click Next
When you see the screen like below, click the Next
button to go to the next page.
When you see the screen like below, click the Next
button to go to the next page.
I use clicked the Skip this step
button to skip this part.
Android Configuration
Next, let’s see how to configure Android to use react-native-firebase.
Modify Gradle
TO use Firebase in Flutter, we need to modify the Gradle
file. First, open android/app/build.gradle
file and add the code below.
apply plugin: '' // <<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this
android {
And modify applicationId
for your project.
// applicationId "com.example.blaboo_app"
applicationId ""
And then, open android/build.gradle
file and modify it like below.
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
classpath '' // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this
Done! we’ve ready to use Firebase on Android.
Firebase 안드로이드 프로젝트 설정
Click Project Overview
on the top of Google Firebase Console.
Click + Add app
> Android icon
to go Android project settings.
Insert Android Package Name and click Register app
Copy and paste google-services.json
to android/app
folder and click Next
button. Done. we’ve ready to use Firebase on Android. Click the Next
button on all screens after.
Install firebase_core
To use Firebase in Flutter, we need to install the firebase_core
package. Execute the command below to install firebase_core
flutter pub add firebase_core
iOS installation
To use firebase_core
in iOS, we need to modify the ./ios/Podfile
file and install required libraries. firebase_core
requires the iOS version 11, so open the ./ios/Podfile
file and modify it like the following.
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '11.0'
And the, execute the command below to install required libraries.
# cd ios
pod install
Initialize Firebase
After installing the firebase_core
package, we need to initialize Firebase by using this package. Open the main.dart
file and modify it like below to initialize Firebase.
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
Test code
To write the test code of FirebaseCore
, you need to install the mockito
- mockito:
Execute the following command to install the mockito
flutter pub add mockito
And then, you need to make the mock
of FirebaseCore
like the following.
import 'package:firebase_core_platform_interface/firebase_core_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:plugin_platform_interface/plugin_platform_interface.dart';
class MockFirebaseCore extends Mock
// ignore: prefer_mixin, plugin_platform_interface needs to migrate to use `mixin`
FirebasePlatform {
FirebaseAppPlatform app([String name = defaultFirebaseAppName]) {
return super.noSuchMethod(
Invocation.method(#app, [name]),
returnValue: FakeFirebaseAppPlatform(),
returnValueForMissingStub: FakeFirebaseAppPlatform(),
Future<FirebaseAppPlatform> initializeApp({
String? name,
FirebaseOptions? options,
}) {
return super.noSuchMethod(
const [],
#name: name,
#options: options,
returnValue: Future.value(FakeFirebaseAppPlatform()),
returnValueForMissingStub: Future.value(FakeFirebaseAppPlatform()),
List<FirebaseAppPlatform> get apps {
return super.noSuchMethod(
returnValue: <FirebaseAppPlatform>[],
returnValueForMissingStub: <FirebaseAppPlatform>[],
class FakeFirebaseAppPlatform extends Fake implements FirebaseAppPlatform {}
This code is from GitHub
of FirebaseCore
- FirebaseCore mock: firebase_core_test.dart
Create the mocks/mock_firebase_core.dart
file and copy-paste the code to it. And then, write the test code like the following.
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'mocks/mock_firebase_core.dart';
void main() {
const testAppName = 'testApp';
const FirebaseOptions testOptions = FirebaseOptions(
apiKey: 'apiKey',
appId: 'appId',
messagingSenderId: 'messagingSenderId',
projectId: 'projectId',
final mockFirebaseCore = MockFirebaseCore();
setUp(() {
Firebase.delegatePackingProperty = mockFirebaseCore;
final FirebaseAppPlatform platformApp =
FirebaseAppPlatform(testAppName, testOptions);
when(mockFirebaseCore.initializeApp()).thenAnswer((_) {
return Future.value(platformApp);
estWidgets('FirebaseCore is initialized', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await app.main();
I just check the initializeApp
function of FirebaseCore
is called in the test code.
Finished! we’ve prepared the Flutter and Firebase project to use Firebase in Flutter, and seen how to configure the firebase_core
package. To use the Firebase features, see other blog posts on below.
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