sometimes, we need to access virtual machine(Guest System) from external environment not local machine(Host System). at this time, if you use ngrok
, you can access simply.
below link is the virtual machine(Guest System) for Laravel by Ansible to test ngrok
the instruction of ngrok
we’ll talk in there is for developing and testing.
- ngrok official site: https://ngrok.com/
Configure Ansible
the virtual machine(Gust System) in below link is
like below.
|-- ansible
| |-- init
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- docker
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- laradock
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- php
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
|-- Vagrantfile
we need to add role
for ngrok
, so create ansible/ngrok/tasks/main.yml file.
|-- ansible
| |-- init
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- docker
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- laradock
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- php
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- ngrok
| | |-- tasks
| | | |-- main.yml
|-- Vagrantfile
open ansible/ngrok/tasks/main.yml
and modify it like below.
- name: Unarchive ngrok
become: true
src: ngrok.zip
dest: /vagrant
- ngrok
actually, this role
just unarchives the file. let’s download the file needed at here.
- ngrok download site: https://ngrok.com/download
or you can download from our repository.
- laravel-devtool github: laravel-devtool
copy it to ansible/files
modify ansible/playbook.yml
like below to use ngrok
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- init
- docker
- laradock
- php
- ngrok
Execute Virtual Machine
execute below command to start the virtual machine(Guest System).
vagrant up
if you execute this for the first time, it takes a long time. also, it executes automatically ngrok
setting we added above.
if you’ve already executed the virtual machine with our Ansible configuration, you need to do belows.
# vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo ansible-playbook /vagrant/ansible/playbook.yml --tags 'ngrok'
Execute ngrok
execute below command to start ngrok
# vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/
./ngrok http 80
and then, you can see below screen.
Session Status online
Session Expires 7 hours, 59 minutes
Version 2.2.8
Region Asia Pacific (ap)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://cf354047.ap.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
Forwarding https://cf354047.ap.ngrok.io -> localhost:80
you can access the virtual machine(Guest System) by Forwarding
URL in here. this is only for testing and developing, use it when you develop or test the application.
to develop api server for App, you can easily use api server on the virtual machine(Guest System) in the local machine(Host System) by ngrok
you can see our Laravel virtual machine(Guest System) by Ansible, at below link.
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