
2025-01-11 hit count image

let's make development environment by installing Laravel on virtual machine(guest system) that is configured by Ansible and Laradock.


at previous blog, we installed Laradock by Ansible. to develop Laravel, we will install and create Laravel project.

this blog is the series of below list. we recommend to read below list for understanding.

configure php and composer

if you installed php and composer in local machine(host system), it’s better to skip this section. to create Laravel project, we’ll install php and composer on virtual machine(guest system).

add php and composer installation role to Ansible Playbook folder we’ve made until now.

|-- ansible
|    |-- init
|    |    |-- tasks
|    |    |    |-- main.yml
|    |-- docker
|    |    |-- tasks
|    |    |    |-- main.yml
|    |-- laradock
|    |    |-- tasks
|    |    |    |-- main.yml
|    |-- php
|    |    |-- tasks
|    |    |    |-- main.yml
|    |-- playbook.yml
|-- Vagrantfile

add new php role to Ansible Playbook file.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - init
    - docker
    - laradock
    - php

modify Ansible Playbook role file php/tasks/main.yml like below.

- name: Add php7.2 repo
    repo: 'ppa:ondrej/php'
  tags: php

- name: Install php
  become: true
      - php7.2
      - php7.2-mbstring
      - php7.2-xml
    state: present
    update_cache: yes
  tags: php

- name: check composer
  stat: path=/usr/local/bin/composer
  register: composer_bin
  tags: php

- block:
  - name: download composer
      dest: /tmp/installer

  - name: install composer
    shell: cat /tmp/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin

  - name: rename composer.phar to composer
    shell: mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

  - name: make composer executable
      path: /usr/local/bin/composer
      mode: a+x
      state: file

  when: not composer_bin.stat.exists
  tags: php

- name: stop apache2
  become: true
  shell: update-rc.d apache2 disable
  tags: php

let’s see task in role one by one.

- name: Add php7.2 repo
    repo: 'ppa:ondrej/php'
  tags: php

to install php 7.2, add php 7.2 repository to apt.

- name: Install php
  become: true
      - php7.2
      - php7.2-mbstring
      - php7.2-xml
    state: present
    update_cache: yes
  tags: php

install php 7.2 and php modules for installing and executing Laravel.

- name: check composer
  stat: path=/usr/local/bin/composer
  register: composer_bin
  tags: php

before installing composer, check composer file exists and store the result to composer bin variable.

- block:
  when: not composer_bin.stat.exists
  tags: php

enclose multiple task in a block. also, also, this block is run only when composer file does not exist by checking composer_binvariable.

let’s see the block one by one.

- name: download composer
    dest: /tmp/installer

download composer install script to /tmp/installer file.

- name: install composer
    shell: cat /tmp/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin

install composer to /usr/local/bin folder by using composer install script.

- name: rename composer.phar to composer
  shell: mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

change composer.phar file name to composer.

- name: make composer executable
      path: /usr/local/bin/composer
      mode: a+x
      state: file

change the permission so that composer is executable.

- name: stop apache2
  become: true
  shell: update-rc.d apache2 disable
  tags: php

after installing php, we got a problem. when virtual machine(guest system) is restarted, apache2 is started and Docker that uses same port is not executed. so we configure not to start apache2 server when virtual machine(guest system) is restarted.

install php and composer

execute Ansible Playbook role we made above to install php and composer. we added php tag to role for only executing specific role. execute below command to run only role tagged php.

#vagrant ssh
sudo ansible-playbook /vagrant/ansible/playbook.yml --tags 'php'

execute below command to check php and composer are installed well.

#vagrant ssh
php --version
composer --version

create Laravel project

execute below command to create Laravel project. if you have your own Laravel project, you can skip below command.

#vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
composer create-project laravel/laravel app

configure Laravel project

at previous blog post(Ansible&Laradock), we’ve made Laradock installation role like below.

- name: change project folder
    path: /vagrant/lib/laradock/.env
    regexp: 'APP_CODE_PATH_HOST=*.*'
    replace: 'APP_CODE_PATH_HOST=/vagrant/app'
    - replace

we’ve set to sync /vagrant/app folder to Laradock workspace Docker when created. so we made new project on /app folder in /vagrant folder. if you have existing Laravel project, you should copy to /vagrant/app or you should modify above part in Laradock role.

check Laravel project

now, access localhost again. you can see basic Laravel screen.

laravel first page

if Laravel is not configured well, you can see 500 error screen like below.

laravel 500 error page

check if missed settings exist during you configure Laravel. if you use composer create-project laravel/laravel app command to create new Laravel project, below settings is automatically executed.

Did you install required Laravel project libraries?

composer install

Did you create Laravel environment file?

cp .env.example .env

Did you configure Laravel key?

php artisan key:generate


let’s access phpmyadmin to set Database. you can see phpmyadmin screen when you access localhost:8080

phpmyadmin login

if you didn’t configure anything, you can access by below information.

server: mysql
username: root
password: root

you can see below screen after login.

phpmyadmin change password

click Change password on the middle of the screen and change password.

phpmyadmin new password

click Database menu on the top of the screen and create database for Laravel.

phpmyadmin new database

configure Laravel DB

we need to connect Laravel project to Database we’ve made above using phpmyadmin. you can see below when you open Laravel environment file .env.


modify this parts like below. insert what you’ve set up to settings DB_DATABASE and DB_PASSWORD.


if you do so, try to create User Table that Laravel basically provides.

# vagrant ssh
# sudo docker exec -it laradock_workspace_1 bash
php artisan migrate

if you don’t use User Table that Laravel basically provides, remove it by Laravel command below.

php artisan migrate:rollback


we’ve made Laravel development environment using vagrant, Ansible and Laradock. also, we’ve seen a little bit how to use Ansible and Docker through creating development environment. if we use Ansible and Docker very well, maybe we can be DevOps.

we will continue to add contents related to building development environment, Docker and Ansible to this dev environment category. also, we will add contents about Laravel development to Laravel, so please see it.

you can see Laravel development environment created until now at below repository.


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