
python django installation, usage and tips will be shared in this category.

[Django] Model test

Let's see how to make a test code for Models on Django project.
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[Django] how to use pre-commit

Let's see how to use pre-commit to execute the flake8 when you commit to Git.
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[Django] how to use flake8

Let's see how to use flake8 that is a static code analysis for python on Django project to keep the same code style.
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Send email via Gmail SMTP

Let's see how to send email via Gmail SMTP on django project, and I share my issue when I sent email.
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Django Custom User Model

let's see how to make Custom User Model in django.
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Use JWT in django

let's see how to use JWT(Json Web Token) for API in django project.
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Convert django Models to JSON for response

let's see how to convert QuerySet from Models to JSON type and response it when we use django for API.
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Insert master data to django project

let's see how to insert master data or test data to django project(data-seed)
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Upload django project to Heroku

let's see how to upload(deploy) django project to Heroku for production web service.
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django Form

let't see how to add or edit a data via django Form.
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django View

let's see how to make View and how to use View in django for web pages.
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django ORM

let's see what ORM(Object-Relational Mapping) is and how to create, read, update, delete a data via django ORM(Object-Relational Mapping).
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